Tsiresy Milà

Software Engineer

About Me

I absolutely love technology and am really passionate about it. I'm a highly independent and reliable person, and my friendly nature helps me work well with others. I'm driven by a strong desire to contribute to the tech world, and I always give my best to deliver top-notch solutions.

I'm really good at staying organized and can quickly adapt to new situations. I'm always eager to learn new things, especially when it comes to the latest advancements in web and software technologies. This constant pursuit of knowledge drives me to keep improving and staying up-to-date

I work well both in team settings and independently, bringing a valuable set of skills to the table. Whether collaborating with a team or working alone, I use my expertise to contribute effectively and help achieve our goals.


My Experiences

Lead Developer
o Supervision and training of developer teams
o Contribution of the technical supports
o Implementation of code quality control tools
o Maintenance of several projects with different technologies
o Technologies: NodeJs/NestJs, ExpressJs, ReactJs, GraphQL,Typescript, ReactNative, Laravel,/VueJS, Flutter, Docker, Traefik, SonarQube, Nginx, Git, Agile
Python Developer
o Getting started and maintenance of CRM projects with Python
o Intervention in projects with different stacks (PHP/Framework,
Mobile Java, Flutter, React-Native, Typescript)
o Technologies : Python, FastAPI, Starlette, Flask, graphQL,
PHP/Laravel, ReactJs, ReactNative, Java/Flutter (Android) , Docker,
Make, Git
Full stack Developer
o Development of a PHP Codeigniter project for the generation of a travel plan( PDF)
o Online sales mobile application development with Flutter for Sutch
Company (IOS/Android, NestJS, GraphQL, TypeORM)
o Creation of a mobile betting platform (ReactNative, GraphQL)

My Skills

As an experienced backend developer, I have significant expertise in development using Node.js and Nest.js. I create robust and scalable backend applications using these technologies. Proficient in key concepts like route management, controllers, services, databases, security, and error handling, I deliver reliable and efficient solutions to meet project requirements.
As a frontend development expert, I excel in React, Vue.js, and Next.js to craft responsive and high-performance interfaces. My skills in frontend development with React, Vue.js, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Bootstrap enable me to turn concepts into interactive reality
My background in backend development, including working with templates and REST APIs, led me to explore advanced backend technologies like GraphQL and TRPC. I can proficiently create applications using these technologies, employing tools such as Apollo Server/Client, NestJS, and other compatible frameworks. TRPC, in particular, streamlines data typing between the backend and frontend, especially in conjunction with ReactJS.
In my capacity as a web developer, I've cultivated substantial proficiency in Python and Laravel development during my tenure with diverse organizations. I've actively participated in projects that enabled me to apply my skills effectively, assuming pivotal roles in both the development and upkeep of web applications.
As a specialist in mobile development, my skills are centered around React Native and Flutter/Dart. I excel at creating applications that are not only visually appealing but also highly responsive and capable of delivering engaging user experiences.
As a backend developer, database management is an integral aspect that cannot be overlooked. My experience in backend development has further enriched my expertise in database management, encompassing technologies like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB.

My Projects

Nestipy / FastAPI / Blacksheep / Modular Architecture
Nestipy is a Python framework inspired by NestJS and built on top of FastAPI or Blacksheep. It adheres to NestJS's modular architecture, offering a structured approach to developing APIs that's intuitive and enjoyable.
MOT DE PASSE / Flutter/Dart Bloc/ GetIt - Appwrite
"Mot de passe" is a mobile app that faithfully recreates the exhilarating 'Mot de Passe' TV game show experience. Challenge friends globally, guess secret words, and enjoy real-time scoring for an authentic and entertaining multiplayer word association game
An SMTP server designed to intercept all emails on a designated port, primarily intended for testing SMTP email sending during development. It features an administrative interface for reviewing sent and received emails, as well as the ability to archive emails.
GEOPLUS React/GraphQL/ NESTJS - Flutter
Geoplus is a platform designed for tracking the locations of devices equipped with the Geoplus app, which is developed using Flutter. Using Geoplus Admin, built with React, you can trace and visualize the device's trajectory over specific intervals of time that can be defined within the historical tracking feature.
PHP Framework PHP/Vite/Swagger
A readily available PHP Boilerplate that is suitable for the development of both MVC and API projects, independent of Composer. It includes Swagger API interfaces for convenient viewing and endpoint simulation. Additionally, a debug bar is provided for monitoring logs, query requests, and responses.
A versatile social media platform that enables communication through diverse channels, including text messaging, voice calls, and live video calls. Users can also create and share ephemeral stories, adding a dynamic and engaging element to their interactions.

Contact Me

Get in touch
+261 34 20 835 74
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